Association Française Edwards Deming
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The Deming Prize Checklist

Compiled by the Deming Application Prize Subcommittee

Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers

  1. Policies

1. Quality and quality control policies and their place in overall business management

2. Clarity of policies (targets and priority measures)

3. Methods and processes for establishing policies

4. Relationship of policies to long- and short-term plans

5. Communication (deployment) of policies, and grasp and management of achieving policies

6. Executives and managers leadership 

2. Organization

  2. Organization

1. Appropriateness of the organizational structure for quality control and status of employee involvement

2. Clarity of authority and responsibility

3. Status of interdepartmental coordination

4. Status of committee and project team activities

5. Status of staff activities

6. Relationships with associated companies (group companies, vendors, contractors, sales companies, etc.)

  3. Information

1. Appropriateness of collecting and communicating external information

2. Appropriateness of collecting and communicating internal information

3. Status of applying statistical techniques to data analysis

4. Appropriateness of information retention

5. Status of utilizing information

6. Status of utilizing computers for data processing

  4. Standardization

1. Appropriateness of the system of standards

2. Procedures for establishing, revising and abolishing standards

3. Actual performance in establishing, revising and abolishing standards

4. Content of standards

5. Status of utilizing and adhering to standards

6. Status of systematically developing, accumulating, handling down and utilizing technologies 

  5. Human resources developpement and utilization

1. Education and training plans and their results

2. Status of quality consciousness, consciousness of managing jobs, and understanding of quality control

3. Status of supporting and motivating self-development and self-realization

4. Status of understanding and utilizing statistical concepts and methods

5. Status of QC circle development and improvement suggestions

6. Status of supporting the development of human resources in associated companies

  6. Quality assurance activities

1. Status of managing the quality assurance system

2. Status of quality control diagnosis

3. Status of new product and technology development (including quality analysis, quality deployment and design review activities)

4. Status of process control

5. Status of process analysis and process improvement (including process capability studies)

6. Status of inspection, quality evaluation and quality audit

7. Status of managing production equipment, measuring instruments and vendors

8. Status of packing, storage, transportation, sales and service activities

9. Grasping and responding to product usage, disposal, recovery and recycling

10. Status of quality assurance

11. Grasping of the status of customer satisfaction

12. Status of assuring reliability, safety, product liability and environmental protection 

  7. Maintenance/control activities

1. Rotation of management (PDCA) cycle

2. Méthods for détermining control items and their levels

3. In-control situations (status of utilizing control charts and other tools)

4. Status of taking temporary and permanent measures

5. Status of opérating management systems for cost, quantity, delivery, etc.

6. Relationship of quality assurance system to other operating management systems

  8. Improvement activities

1. Methods of sélecting themes ( important problems and priority issues)

2. Linkage of analytical methods and intrinsic technology

3. Status of utilizing statistical methods for analysis

4. Utilizationof analysis results

5. Status of confirming improvement results and transferring them to maintenance/control activities

6. Contribution of QC circles activities

  9. Effects

1. Tangible effects (such as quality, delivery, cost, profit, safety and environment)

2. Intangible effects

3. Methods for measuring and grasping effects

4. Customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction

5. Influence on associated companies

6. Influence on local and international communities

  10. Future plans

1. Status of grasping current situations

2. Future plans for improving problems

3. Projection of changes in social environment and customer requirements and future plans based on these projected changes

4. Relationships among management philosophy, vision and long-term plans

5. Continuity of quality control activities

6. Concreteness of future plans

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